Thursday 12 May 2011


I plan to get my printing done this week, so i really need to think about my poster layouts. I want to add some additional elements to the poster so the viewer can work out what the machines are used for. I came up with the idea of placing a sort of triptych along the bottem of the main machine. Within these 3 boxes i want to visually detail how the machine works and also show a sense of scale. I think this would work nicely in the final bringing added depth and meaning to the image.
Here is a rough sketch i did showing what kind of layout i want, with the 3 images below.

Some schematic drawings to visually show how the machine works, i want to stay away from using text, as it may over complicate things.

I could use a human figure like in this diagram i found to show how big this machine is.

Another schematic image detailing how sections work

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