Thursday, 30 June 2011


I spent most of my day on the beach with nothing but my moleskine and a pen. There is defiantly something about working in one of these books that makes even the simplest scribble look like a work of art. Artists like  Mattias Adolfsson use these books to the max, and they look astounding! Ive set myself a task (while i try and sort myself an internship) to complete a double page a day, and maybe it will help me unleash all this mad shit that goes on in my head everyday. 

Heres just a few pages from my moleskine sketchbook (that i have named Bill Clinton...?) To see some more pages visit my new Behance account, where ive also got most of my portfolio :)   

I found a nice spot for one of my exhibition prints in my new flat, check it.

Wednesday, 29 June 2011


Got a nice bit of news yesterday, i revived an email from the folks over at saying i won the bronze award for my submission, so i got my work published on their site!  

Congratulations Tarquin  

Just letting you know that our judges loved your work and have awarded you a BRONZE Award. This also means you are successfully published and your talents have been exposed to our eagerly awaiting Dabomba following. Go ahead and check it out at:

 I found out about this site though twitter and its awesome for up and coming creatives like myself to get a bit of exposure. And here below is my digital award :)

Dabomba bronze

Monday, 20 June 2011


I was back in my home town of Shoreham-By-Sea today, tis a beautiful place! Its right next to the sea and has a river running right though. I was walking along the river today which has an amazing amount of houseboats on the banks and it gave me some inspiration for a new image.

Some of these house boats are very small, you would have to be an elf, of a bad assed pirate to be able to live on one of those. My imagination ran away with me when looking at these micro house boats, and i came up with the idea of a boat in disguise, to fool the people (like myself) who judge these tiny boats by having a mansion hidden beneath the water.

This is what ive done so far, and im currently doodling the rest of the underwater rooms that lurk in the depths and showing whats them inside with some cross sections. When the image is done ill hopefully have a website up and running, so i can show it off properly. PEACE! Tarquin.
This house boat is fooling everyone! (work in progress)

Saturday, 18 June 2011


So,  i thought i was about time i showed you guys my final images i displayed for my degree show. These were printed pretty big, hope you like!

Earth cross section




tape on the floor
me and ma pops! get an idea of how big these were printed from this.

Tuesday, 14 June 2011


Last month i was approached by a fellow student Lucianne Soley at solent  uni to produce a number of illustrations to go alongside her articles. I used this as an opportunity for more tablet practice! Think im finally getting the hang of it... (ive just got to remember not to pick up a permanent marker by accident and scribble all over the poor cyber doodling device, and wonder why nothings happening on screen...bad times indeed) I also got an article written about me in return for doing these which is nice! sooooooo, Heres a bunch of the images, enjoy!
needle and thread

Olympics (think this ones my fav)
Visa Cuff-link

Monday, 13 June 2011


Hello beautiful people! So my final major project at uni has come to its climatic end, the show is still up in the old Bargate Center so pop in if you can! Time to take back this blog from my university and use it to explode your brains with my creativeness!

It was somtime last week that i started to think, "what the hell am i suppose to do now ive got no tutors to give me projects!?" Its quite scary and exciting times making my own decisions on what to do next. Its time for me to hunt down those projects, even if their from my Grandma, asking me to draw her favorite brand of muesli. (its Alpen, in case you were wondering)  

Ive done one or two projects on the sidelines since i have finished uni, I was asked to produce an exciting black and white menu for the bar POP Southampton's new cocktails. So i used my doodling powers to produce this... 


DOUBLE PAGE (click to see me big!)

a really terrible picture of the menu on Pops bar top, taken on a night out (i was probably wasted when i took this) Portfolio pictures coming soon.
again, more decent pics will be taken soon for my portfolio.

They were printed a couple of weeks ago, and im pretty happy with the results. tell me what you think, and why not visit POP and try some of these badass cocktails!

These are new and exciting times, got lots of plans, including a new direction to take my design work, so watch this space mon amigos!